Bow String with a Fishing Line

Bowstrings can be in two forms – looped or reverse-twisted. A fishing line can be used for many uses other than fishing. Many people are even using them in archery. The line, usually, is strong and durable and is suitable for use in making bowstrings. It is a fun one to do if you enjoy archery or have an interest in knowing how to make your bowstring. In this guide, you are going to learn how to make a bowstring with a fishing line.

The Right Fishing Line To Use

When making a bowstring with a fishing line, it is all about durability. Fishing lines have their strengths and weaknesses depending on the type of fishing line available. The best line to consider using is the Dacron. Its stretching capacity is quite good even when you are shooting your shot. The type of material matters when creating your bowstring. A good fishing line to use is the monofilaments strings.

1.What You Will Need

To create a bowstring with a fishing line, you will need to get some essential tools to help you do the job quickly.


String Serving Jig

It provides the needed tension when making a bowstring.

Bow String with a Fishing Line


Fishing Line

It is the basis of creating the bowstring. Have the correct fishing line.


Tape Measure

You will be required to measure the length of the string you need to cut before making a bowstring.



You will need the scissors for cutting the desired length of the fishing line.

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It is used for highlighting the starting point and the endpoint of the line to be cut.


String Jig

A jig string is among the materials used in making bows. It allows being able to alternate the length of the line if you want it changed. They are commercially available or homemade. Use whatever is functional and efficient.

Bow String with a Fishing Line


Measure The Required Length

It is essential to lay down your measurement to make it easy to use the right length of the line needed. Cut the appropriate size of the fishing line. Highlight your starting and finishing point on the thread before cutting. You can use standard sizing for various types of bows. You get the sizing depending on the length of the bow.

The length of your string needs to be 3.5 inches shorter than that of the bow if it’s a recurve. The other bowstrings will require you to use the original dimensions. You can refer to the user manual to get the exact specifications to be used.

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The Bowstring Strand

It is made up of many strands together. If you want to calculate the number of strands your bowstring needs, use the formula below


40lbs. X 4 / 10lbs = 16 Strands

This formula helps you determine the size of string you need to have. It is allowed to go beyond or have a reduction with at least two strands for the bow. Do not have many strands that will make the speed of the arrow you need to shoot. Have about 12 strands for a draw weight of between 40lbs. To 50lbs. Fourteen strands for weight between 50lbs to 60lbs and 16 strands up to 70lbs.This information is useful, especially if you are making recurve bows.


Set Up The String Jig

A string jig is usually adjustable to accommodate the length of the string. Please set it to the size of the line you want and then secure it in place with the locking bolt. Place and tie the end of the line on one end of the string jig. Wind it all through the string jig from one end to the other and then repeat it, going backward for it to have two strands. Ensure you have evenly tensioned when winding. If you have gone back to the starting point, untie the end and tie it to the other end.

Read More:  How to Tie Two Fishing Hooks on One Line

You will end up with a bigger and a smaller loop in the end. Measure the loops. These loops will be placed on the limbs.Ser5ve the circle until the end and keep it secure. You will use a single string to act as the serving spool and serve it by winding it over the others until you reach the end. Place the bowstring to your bow and continue doing it in the mid-section.


Ways Of Serving A Bowstring

How you will serve the bowstring will determine how the whole bow will perfume. When filling the string, ensure you do not leave significant gaps; this happens when it is loosely served. For a tough and durable bowstring, there is a small diameter in between left. The more tension you apply to it, the stronger the string becomes.


Wax The String And Finish Off

The moment you are done, rub some wax on it with a piece of clothing. Waxing should only be done on the string and not the serving. Important things to note; when creating a desirable length for the bowstring, ensure it is of ideal size. People who have mastered the art of archery know that shorter strings are long enough. Otherwise, you will have to troubleshoot an arrow when the bow has shorter lines.

Height is also another thing that can ruin the performance of the bow when not done correctly.  A very long string will have you turn it more than twenty times, and the ideal rounds should be around fifteen times. It shouldn’t be too long, neither should the string be too short.

Making a bowstring out of a fishing line requires no unique thread from the rest. If you know how to make it with another type of string, then a fishing line shouldn’t give you a problem. Learning how to make your own is advantageous to buy a bow that’s already pre-made. You get to choose how you want the strings to be to make shooting more comfortable. If you enjoy both angling and archery, you will realize how the fishing line is vital in making many things. Have a little practice to make the bowstring anytime you wish to have one.


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