What To Wear Hiking In Summer

Do you love breathtaking natural landscapes and exotic wildlife?

The best way to satisfy your nature craving is to take a walk along the wild trails. You will experience nature in its purest form. 

Hiking is best to define as an outdoor recreational activity that involves walking while enjoying nature.

Many hikers evade the idea of hiking in summers because they are not fans of heat and sweating. Hiking is fascinating to experience in summers if appropriately planned. Only two questions can answer all queries related to hiking in summer.

  1. What to wear hiking in summer?
  2. How to keep yourself hydrated?

What To Wear Hiking In Summer

Hiking In 100 Degree Heat: Is It A Good Idea?

Which one is the better option layering clothes after clothes or wearing something light?

Hiking in winter means you have to protect yourself with clothes layers. While hiking in the summer, relieve yourself from heavy clothing. You have to carry a backpack when hiking. It’s better to wear light than to be rigid. 

Summer is a mood booster season with green all around. It’s best to pack your bag and dress up for some trail time. You will be able to see streams and wildlife in all its glory. A little sweat is worth the experience. Let’s take a look at different ideas for summer hiking outfits for ladies.

1. Hiking pants 

Hiking pants sounds like an absurd idea. Why would someone wear pants on a hot summer day? A trail festers with ticks will make you appreciate your decision to wear pants. Always pack lightweight pants when hiking in summer. 

Light clothes help you with the airflow. The most convenient option is convertible hiking pants. You can take off the lower part and viola the shorts appear. 

2. Hiking Shorts

Shorts are the best choice when you confirm there are no ticks on the trails. It’s the preferred summer hiking outfits for ladies. The reason ladies love wearing shorts is

  • They are comfortable
  • Expose most of the leg for cool air
  • Make you look beautiful, especially if you have long legs.

Shorts are a neutral choice for both men and women. They get the top position in summer hiking essentials.

3. Hiking Skirts

Skirts in hiking seem odd, but they are practical and look good. The ventilation in skirts is far better than in shirts and pants. Moreover, you can respond to nature calls quickly in the woods. Light material glory skirts will keep your body from getting overheated.

4. Hiking Leggings

Leggings are a fantastic choice for hiking in hot weather. Their elastic material makes them comfortable and light-weighted. You can wear them under skirts and carry them easily in your backpack.

5. Hiking Tops

The day hiking essentials are incomplete without a proper top. The best choices are open vented t-shirts, long-sleeved tops, and tank tops. 

To beat the scorching heat wear light color and a material long sleeve top. 

6. Hiking Boots

The summer hiking boots should have some essential features. They should be

  • Comfortable
  • Supportive
  • Breathable so you can avoid blisters

7. Leg Gaiters

Leg waiters are saving grace for hikers from snake bites. When hiking in the woods, it’s best to protect your legs with leg gaiters. 

What To Wear Hiking In Summer

Protect Your Face With Hiking Cap

To protect your face from the sun, you have two options: a cap or hat. Head wears make cute hiking outfits. Cap provides medium protection from UV rays, while the hat is best in providing extra protection.

How To Keep The Heat Off Your Neck? 

Walking in the heat with the sun in the back of your neck is stressful. To avoid overheating, damp a bandana or scarf in water and wrap it around your neck. You will feel an instant cooling effect in your body.

Choose Your Hiking Socks, Right

The hiking gear list for beginners also includes socks. Socks in hot weather need special consideration. Cotton is a big No went it comes to footwear because they absorb moisture and stay damp. The best choice is to wear synthetic socks. 

Protect your eyes with Hiking Sunglasses

Sunglasses make you look trendy and protect your eyes from the sun at the same time. They also protect eyes from sand and dirt. You can wear your regular sunglasses or purchase some new ones for hiking. 

Tips For Day Hiking Essentials 

As a woman, when assembling an outfit for hiking, what comes first in mind?

What color to wear hiking? 

The best part of summer hiking is you can avoid all the gloomy colors. Take your pick from the light colors like tan, pastels, khakis, or whites. These colors are heat reflected and keep the body cool.

Hiking and skin fitting clothes are not a good fit

Keep your skin fitting clothes for city parties and fun nights. Wear loose clothes that allow air to pass easily and maintain body temperature. 

You can choose between polyester and nylon for the material. Open vent clothes also help in regulating body temperature. 

What To Wear Hiking In Summer

What To Wear Hiking In Summer: Tips For Hydration

Hydration is key to a successful hiking trip in summer. When preparing the hiking clothing, remembers the three L’s. 

  • Lightweight
  • Loose-fitting
  • Light colors

These three L’s will save you from dehydration and the worst experience. Your body will get all the fresh air it wants with these features. 

Cool body temperature means no sweating and less sweating results in no dehydration. Simple math’s!

Let’s take a look at some interesting tips for keeping yourself hydrated during hiking.

  • Drinking lots of water as often as you can. It’s recommended to carry your hydration pack to substitute water loss during sweating.
  • Wear damp clothing on your neck and head to regulate your body temperature
  • Take a dip whenever you get a chance and wash your face from time to time.
  • Keep your pace moderate to prevent heavy breathing and respiration.
  • Avoid direct sunlight if you have the option to walk in the shade.

What To Wear Hiking In Summer: The Last Note

Hiking in summer is a fantastic experience that requires proper clothing. Choose lightweight material that is light on color and material. 

Even the undergarments you are wearing should be lightweight for quick drying. Invite your friends for hiking if you have any health issues. Women are creative creatures and live to look great. Who says you can’t assemble a stylish summer hiking outfit.

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